Competition Essentials

Gearing up for a busy competition season? Before you dust off your cross-country colours, and polish your boots, make sure you’re properly covered – from the right type of horsebox insurance to a personal accident safety net should you fall. Shearwater Insurance, partners of the EHOA and ERA, offer their expert advice on what level of cover you need for the forthcoming season.
When it’s just for fun
A Social, Domestic, and Pleasure horsebox policy, adequately covers most horse owners. This level of coverage allows the non-professional rider to get out and about with their horse to compete for pleasure.
When it’s for work
If there’s some financial incentive involved, you’ll need a Business Use policy. This generally applies to trainers and professional riders. If you’re producing horses or riding for owners, and the payment for which forms part of your income, then this puts you into the Business Use category. Taking those horses to training or competition venues, or even to the vets, would classify as part of your business/income.
When you want to be prepared for anything
Most insurance policies don’t automatically include breakdown coverage. Adding breakdown cover to a horsebox insurance with Shearwater can save £100s per year, with comprehensive breakdown cover starting at £135 per annum.
A safety net should you fall
A robust policy is absolutely essential for anyone who rides or coaches for a living, as well as for freelance grooms who have to mount up as part of their role. Personal Accident cover is available from £148 per year, including cover for those riding as a profession.
Pair Personal Accident coverage with a Public Liability policy to make sure all parties are cared for in the event of an incident.