Insuring Your Stable Yard - Your Questions Answered

Insuring your equestrian buildings, and everything in them, shouldn’t be a stressful experience. It can however be confusing knowing what is covered, what could be covered and how certain policies can work together. As Equestrian insurance specialists we understand this niche market and the importance of getting equestrian property insurance tailored to meet your individual needs.
Here our expert team answer key questions regarding stables and equine property insurance, explaining the difference between equine specific and mainstream policies and why a tailored equine policy is best.
Why use equestrian specific insurance?
Standard household policies are not designed for the non-standard natures of equestrian properties and buildings, and cover may therefore fall short in some areas.
The wording of Equestrian Property Insurance policies are tailored and designed to consider that horses are the main occupants of the buildings and the unique equestrian uses that goes with them.
Are my stables content not automatically covered under my household insurance?
Standard Household Buildings and Contents policies may extend a level of cover to the stable buildings, but they’re not designed to cover everything your equestrian buildings may house. Some policies may have restrictions on individual values for items, additional security requirements or may exclude certain uses.
Mainstream household insurers will not cover all your equestrian specific equipment, such as show jumps, feed and forage, bedding, saddlery, and tack. By using an equestrian specific insurer and broker you can be confident in the level of cover that is being provided and take a stress-free approach to equestrian property insurance provision.
Does running a livery yard require different insurance?
When running your equestrian property as a livery yard, whether this is for a commercial venture or whether it is as simple as having a few friends livery to help with running costs, the material damage cover does not differ. For example, the buildings themselves and their content remains the same. However, insuring your equestrian property as a livery yard can offer additional benefits including Money Cover & Assault and Business Interruption cover.
The main difference between insuring stables for personal use and as a livery yard is liability. Many clients believe that having DIY liveries does not count as having a livery yard. However, if a horse escaped and caused third party property damage because a gate was left open who would be liable? Specialist Livery Yard Liability insurance can cover you for such circumstances. Additionally, Property Owner’s Liability is included with Livery Yard Liability which protects the yard owner should a member of the public be injured on your land, or in and around your buildings.